If you don’t have a HDMI monitor, and would like to connect the Ethernet port of pcDuino3/pcDuino3 nano to your laptop’s Ethernet port, and then VNC to pcDuino3 through the Ethernet, here is the solution by Roger Schrader, CS/SDSMT.
The following are the steps to install the scripts:
The following must be done as root or using sudo
1. edit the following file /etc/rc.local
add as the second to last line (above exit 0):
copy laptopConnect.sh to /usr/local/sbin
change the permission to execute:
chmod +x /usr/local/sbin/laptopConnect.sh
2. set up the dhcp3-server
apt-get install dhcp3-server
copy dhcpd.conf to /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
edit /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server
add “eth0″ to the interfaces
3. set up samba
apt-get install samba
copy smb.conf to /etc/samba/smb.conf
issue command: smbpasswd -a ubuntu
password: ubuntu
retype: ubuntu
execute the following
echo manual | tee /etc/init/smbd.override
echo manual | tee /etc/init/nmbd.override
echo manual | sudo tee /etc/init/smbd.override
echo manual | sudo tee /etc/init/nmbd.override
To use the scripts, please follow the steps below:
Once this is done, then the connection to a laptop is fairly simple.
1. Connect the pcDuino to the laptop via the USB cable. USB on the laptop side, power on the pcDuino side. This should power up the board and get it booted. This is only for power. One problem we have found is that some cheap laptop USB ports cannot source enough current for the pcDuino. In that case you need separate power.
2. Wait for the board to boot (on the pcDuino 3 we see the leds near the wireless module flicker).
3. Plug in a ethernet cable. Assuming the labtop has GBit, it should auto-negotiate and it will not matter if the cable is straight-through or cross-over.
4. On the laptop run the VNC client. [Assuming you have loaded this.] Connect to .
For you convenient, the image that has this script installed can be downloaded here.
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