We always say that the pcDuino is compatible with arduino platform, but there are some different in some part, here I will introduce the difference of UART between the pcDuino and arduino and what we should pay attention to in a normal application. 1.The difference between input and output: The arduino platform are generally AVR singlechip computer of the atmel company, the GPIO of this singlechip computer is 5V with stand voltage, so UART interface can bear 5V voltage. The GPIO of pcDuino is 3.3 V withstand voltage so as to the UART. We must check the signal level whether it is compatible when use the serial communication, or it will lead to the damage of the main control chip. 2.The problem of serial rate:Due to the frequence of CPU from AVR pcDuino platform only 16MHZ, lead to the highest rate of UART only 2MB/s. And the highest APB pcduino can reach to 138 MHZ, so the pcduino UART highest rate is much faster, of course, the driver on pcDuino don’t do kinds of on the support of baud rate. 3.The problem of pin function reusing:The UART of arduino is reusing with the GPIO0 GPIO1 it is the same with pcDuino. The UART on pcDuino support infrared data modem as well