[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_tour][vc_tab title=”Unzipping/Installing the OpenGTS Source” tab_id=”1388898469-1-46″][vc_column_text]
On Linux systems, it is recommended that the OpenGTS zip file be unzipped and installed in the “/usr/local/”
directory. On Windows, it can be installed in any convenient directory, such as in the root partition of “C:”.
For the purposes of this document, we will assume that the target operating system is Linux-based, and that the location
where OpenGTS will be installed/unzipped is “/usr/local/OpenGTS_1.2.3/” (Note: you may need to choose
another installation directory if you do not have ‘root’ access on the target system). Adjust the file/path separators and
commands as necessary for your particular operating system, and chosen installation directory.
Install the OpenGTS source code:
Unzip the OpenGTS package in “/usr/local/” (this will need to be done as the “root” user), or other convenient
directory (on Windows, choose a directory where you would like this package to be placed – preferrably a path which
does not contain any embedded spaces). For instance, if the OpenGTS package to be installed is
“OpenGTS_1.2.3.zip”, then the command to unzip the package would be:
/zzz> cd /usr/local
/usr/local> su root
/usr/local# unzip /tmp/OpenGTS_1.2.3.zip
/usr/local# chown -R user:group OpenGTS_1.2.3
/usr/local# exit
/usr/local> export GTS_HOME=/usr/local/OpenGTS_1.2.3
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tab][vc_tab title=”Setting the Environment Variables” tab_id=”1388898469-2-41″][vc_column_text]
The following enviroment variables should be set
It is recommended that the following symbolic links be created within the “/usr/local/” directory which point
to their corresponding ‘home’ directories (skip a given symbolic link if it has already been created):
# cd /usr/local
# ln -s $JAVA_HOME java
# ln -s $CATALINA_HOME tomcat
# ln -s $GTS_HOME gts
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tab][vc_tab title=”Compiling the Supporting GTS Library Files” tab_id=”1388898568675-2-10″][vc_column_text]
Compile the OpenGTS library “.jar “and servlet “.war” files:
‘cd’ into the OpenGTS installation directory and compile the jar files, and servlet war files, using the supplied Ant
“build.xml” script:
/usr/local> cd $GTS_HOME
/usr/local/OpenGTS_1.2.3> ant all
We need need to add 777 to GTS_HOME when we build it.
This will build several jar files, and war files, in the “$GTS_HOME/build/” directory, including:
• “lib/gtsutils.jar” – This jar contains the base utilities and db access tools.
• “lib/gtsdb.jar” – This jar contains the database access utilities and table definition.
• “lib/gtsdmtp.jar” – This jar contains the SQL db datastore wrappers around the OpenDMTP server.
• “lib/tools.jar” – This jar contains miscellaneous system check and administrative tools.
• “track.war” – This “war” file (web-archive) contains the web-interface ‘Track’ servlet.
• “events.war” – This “war” file contains the web accessible EventData access servlet.
• “mologogo.war” – This “war” file contains the Mologogo device servlet.
• “gc101.war” – This “war” file contains support for the Sanav GC-101 device.
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