Telegram is a messaging app with a focus on speed and security, it’s super fast, simple and free. You can use Telegram on all your devices at the same time — your messages sync seamlessly across any of your phones, tablets or computers.
With Telegram, you can send messages, photos, videos and files of any type (doc, zip, mp3, etc), as well as create groups for up to 200 people. You can write to your phone contacts and find people by their usernames. As a result, Telegram is like SMS and email combined — and can take care of all your personal or business messaging needs.
In this post, we will show how to use Telegram to interact with your pcDuino. Telegram has the clients covering Android, iOS, and web. We can install Telegram on your iPhone by search for ‘telegram’ in Apple app store.
The source files of the linux Telegram client ‘telegram-cli’ are hosted at: . We can install it on pcDuino by following the instructions on the Readme file.
A quick recap here:
1. First, we do ‘$sudo apt-get update’ to update the package source.
You may get a warning syaing that “W: conflicting distribution”. Ignore this.
2. Install ‘git’ by ‘$sudo apt-get install git’.
3. Clone github repo:
$git clone --recursive && cd tg
4. Install build tool:
$sudo apt-get install libreadline-dev libconfig-dev libssl-dev lua5.2 liblua5.2-dev libevent-dev make
5. Then we build by:
$./configure $make
6. We create a file named ‘tg_pcduino.lua’ with the following content:
now = os.time() chat = "pcDuinomessage" -- name of telegram's chat safe_commands = {} safe_commands["uptime"] = "uptime" safe_commands["w"] = "w" safe_commands["ps"] = "ps ax" safe_commands["netstat"] = "netstat -na" safe_commands["df"] = "df" safe_commands["ss"] = "ss" safe_commands["free"] = "free" function on_msg_receive (msg) if msg.out then return end if msg.text then -- mark_read(msg.from.print_name) -- vardump(msg) cmd = string.lower(trim(msg.text)) if cmd == "ping" then send_msg (chat, 'pong', ok_cb, false) elseif safe_commands[cmd] ~= nil then send_msg (chat, exec(cmd), ok_cb, false) end end end function on_our_id (id) end function on_secret_chat_created (peer) end function on_user_update (user) end function on_chat_update (user) end function on_get_difference_end () end function on_binlog_replay_end () end function exec(cmd) local output = "" f = assert (io.popen (cmd)) for line in f:lines() do output = output .. "\n" .. line end -- for loop f:close() return output end function trim(s) return (s:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1")) end function vardump(value, depth, key) local linePrefix = "" local spaces = "" if key ~= nil then linePrefix = "["..key.."] = " end if depth == nil then depth = 0 else depth = depth + 1 for i=1, depth do spaces = spaces .. " " end end if type(value) == 'table' then mTable = getmetatable(value) if mTable == nil then print(spaces ..linePrefix.."(table) ") else print(spaces .."(metatable) ") value = mTable end for tableKey, tableValue in pairs(value) do vardump(tableValue, depth, tableKey) end elseif type(value) == 'function' or type(value) == 'thread' or type(value) == 'userdata' or value == nil then print(spaces..tostring(value)) else print(spaces..linePrefix.."("..type(value)..") "..tostring(value)) end end print(exec("uptime"))
tg_pcduino.lua should be saved into the directory named ‘/home/ubuntu/tg/bin’. Copy ‘’ from /home/ubuntu/tg to /home/ubuntu/tg/bin.
The file directory will look as below:
ubuntu@ubuntu:~/tg/bin$ ls generate telegram-cli tg_pcduino.lua tl-parser ubuntu@ubuntu:~/tg/bin$
Then we use the following command to start the process:
ubuntu@ubuntu:~/tg/bin$ sudo ./telegram-cli -k -W -D -P 7777 -d -s tg_pcduino.lua &
It will ask for phone number and then a code that SMSed to you.
Other process on the same pcDuino can send message out using:
$echo –e “msg pcDuinomessage hello” | nc localhost 7777
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