[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Scratch(http://scratch.mit.edu/) is a programming language for everyone. Create interactive stories, games, music and art-and share them online.
pcDuino team developed a customized version of Scratch for pcDuino. The GPIO, PWM and ADC pins can be accessed direclty from Scratch panel>
Compared to the original version of Scratch, the following features are added:
- Add support of hardware PWM, and ADC. The ADC is to read the coltage in uinits of mV.
- Add support of GPIO support.
- Modify the UI.
- Add support of Chinese language.
- The installation of scratch can be done using “apt-get install”.
The following are the installation steps:
- $sudo apt-get update
- If there is previous version of scratch installed, please remove “squeak-plugins-sratch”by: $sudo apt-get remove squeak-plugins-scratch.
- Install scratch by: $sudo apt-get install pcduino-scratch
The GUI is as following:
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